Yorkshire and the Humber

Yorkshire and the Humber

Yorkshire and the Humber is home to a diverse range of farms, producing everything from wheat, pigs and corn to rhubarb.
Straw bales in the dawn sunshine. iStock.com/Philip Silverman


The landscape here is dramatic and contrasting, from coastal landscapes to the east, to rolling chalklands in the Wolds and plenty of flat, fertile agricultural land.


There are many mixed farms in Yorkshire but it’s also one of the most important producers of cereal crops, producing high quality corn, wheat, barley and oats.

A lot of pig farming is concentrated close to where the feed is produced and 38% of England’s pigs are reared in Yorkshire and the Humber.

And did you know that most of the rhubarb eaten in Britain is grown in Yorkshire?


A nine square mile area of West Yorkshire is known as The Rhubarb Triangle – the three corners of the triangle roughly equate to Leeds, Bradford and Wakefield.

Yorkshire and the Humber employs 31,752 farm workers, from farmers, partners and directors to part-time and seasonal staff.

Editorial statistics sourced from Defra's current data set.
Data for workforce proportions taken from TIAH's own labour market information research.